Music Ministries


Cantors & Instrumentalists

Cantors play an important role in our music ministry by leading the singing at most weekend liturgies and by proclaiming the psalm and Gospel acclamation. A pleasant voice, humility and a desire to serve are important qualifications.

If you play a musical instrument, please consider using your talent to add an extra layer of sonic beauty to our liturgies. The Director of Music can write parts for your instrument that take into consideration your level of ability.



The music ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish includes an excellent choir of about 60 voices. We love to sing in unison and in parts to the glory of God, to beautify the Holy Mass, and to encourage congregational singing. Practices are held at Our Lady of Lourdes every Thursday afternoon from 4:00-6:00pm. We sing during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. The choir also sings for special liturgies such as the Easter Vigil and the Good Friday service. No previous choir experience, ability to read music, or auditions required!

organ pipes


Our parish is blessed with a beautiful pipe organ. Installed in 2005, the organ at Our Lady of Lourdes Church is actually two organs combined into one.

There are three divisions: two in the choir area and one large division mounted on the rear wall of the church. The organ consists of 24 ranks of pipes, which were built in the Netherlands by Pels and Van Leeuwen. There are 160 digital stops and eight computers.

This exceptional instrument is played from a custom Rodgers five manual console, and is the largest organ in Arizona to use both traditional and digital components. The Great, Solo, Choir, and Pedal divisions are contained within the casework at the rear of the church.

Find out more about our organ.