Pastoral Care at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
What happens if someone can no longer attend Mass?
Ministers of Care from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish bring Holy Communion to private homes, and a number of care centers and assisted living facilities in the area. Other parishes bring Holy Communion to Banner Del Webb, Banner Boswell, and other care centers and homes outside of our parish boundaries. If you are unable to get to Mass, please call Jan Brett, Pastoral Care Director, at 623-214-3576 to arrange for a Minister of Care.
If you are in Banner Del Webb Hospital, please make sure the Admitting Department knows you are a Catholic and would like to be on the list to receive Holy Communion. Ministers of Care visit the hospital on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, usually after morning Mass. Please note that if you are ill, you do not have to fast before receiving Holy Communion.
If you are at Banner Del Webb or Banner Boswell, please make sure the Admitting Department or Hospital Chaplain knows you are Catholic and would like to be on the list to receive Holy Communion. Please note that if you are ill, you do not have to fast before receiving Holy Communion.
If you are in a care center or an assisted living facility, please check with the activities director or residence manager about who brings Holy Communion to the facility, and ask to be put on the Catholic list.
What is the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and how can one arrange to receive it?
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, which some may know as “Last Rites” or “Extreme Unction”, is a sacrament of healing; it is not only for those who are near death. It is available to those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or advanced age. It is also appropriate to receive the sacrament prior to a serious surgery. It can be received multiple times in a person’s life. It is best not to wait until someone is very close to death to request the sacrament for them.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is generally administered by our pastor at care centers, assisted living facilities and private homes within our parish boundaries. In general our parish boundary is (the area north of Bell Road, east of Meeker/135th Ave, south of the Maricopa-Yavapai county line and west of the Agua Fria River). When parishioners are at Banner Del Webb, Banner Boswell, care centers or private homes out of our boundaries, generally the priest from the local parish will come for the anointing.
If you or someone you care about needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, call the parish office at 623-546-2767.
How does one plan a funeral Mass?
When a parishioner dies, a family member or the Funeral Director from the mortuary calls the parish office at 623-546-2767. A staff member arranges the funeral date and time based on availability and the preferences of the family, then meets with the family to plan the details of the funeral Mass including the selection of hymns and Scripture readings. During the funeral Mass a Parish Funeral Usher will be in attendance to help family and mortuary representatives.
Many parishioners pre-plan their funeral Mass. Pre-planning materials are available year round on our parish website or in the Parish office.
Are other support services available?
Jan Brett, Pastoral Care Director, 623-214-3576, is available to assist parishioners in a variety of situations:
- Community information and referral
- Assistance navigating the physical and behavioral health care systems
- Education on home care, home health, and care centers
- Caregiver support
- Identifying barriers to remaining independent
- Connecting individuals with chronic illness to appropriate support networks
Respect Life Ministry
Parishioners who wish to support the parish in affirming the dignity of every human person from conception to natural death. The ministry includes advocacy, support for persons and institutions, and community education. Dealing with issues that degrade human life.
Issues that degrade human life include abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and unethical research and medical practices. Advocacy and education include prayer at abortion facilities and church. Sharing of information and community resources available to expecting parents that promote continuation of pregnancy up to birth and thereafter. Sharing of information and community resources available to the elderly related to aging and natural end of life.
If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact Terese Boas at 904-718-3322.