Our Lady's Guild Meeting

Add Mon, Sep 9

Experience the camaraderie, friendly atmosphere and satisfaction of giving your time and talent for the worthy reason – supporting our wonderful parish. The 100+ parish women of Our Lady’s Guild have big hearts and room for all parish women. If you are a registered parishioner, you are eligible to join the Guild.

Your officers and new committee chairs are already working and planning events. The Guild will celebrate 45 years with a luncheon celebration in October. A caterer is already lined up for the annual Christmas luncheon. Two speakers are already secured. A committee is being formed to update the ByLaws. Everyone can do something! Contact Mary Fox at cvmfox@cox.net or 623-256-6252 to find a spot where you can help out.

Join at our next meeting on Mon, Sep 8. Social time starts at 9:00am, the meeting at 9:30am. There will refreshments and opportunities to join committees.

Dues are $5.00.