They're Back!

10-16-2022Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

It’s happening! I admit, I had serious doubts that it would. In case you’re wondering, I am speaking about the return of our part-time, some-times, halftime parishioners, aka snowbirds! I confess I had never seen such a mass exodus from a Parish before.

My first thought was, “was it something I said.” Then after a thorough examination of conscience, I decided that you are just too kind and sweet to tell me you are never coming back. But here you are! I will never doubt you again! Promise.

But while you were gone… it was hot. And it was also sticky, humid and thick. The monsoon, which hasn’t really appeared since 2018 made a strong comeback. So, if your yard is overgrown with weeds, well, have fun. Also, the F-35 jets are still flying, lest you forgot.

Additionally, while you were away, we had a very prominent visitor. A saint. St. Bernadette, the saint of Lourdes. She traveled all the way from France, more correctly from heaven. We hosted her relics from the Sanctuary at Lourdes in late July. It was a day to remember, a day of great peace and prayerfulness. The humble saint came to bless our Parish and bestow heavenly graces on us.

Also, while you were living it up with the mosquitoes in Wisconsin or Minnesota, Bishop Olmsted retired, and Pope Francis appointed Bishop John Dolan to succeed him as the 5th Bishop of Phoenix. He was previously the auxiliary bishop in San Diego and though it’s not too long a distance, it is a big difference in climate for him. In many ways. So, what’s the new boss like, you ask? Too soon to tell. I have seen him a few times and he has that dazed look about him. That is probably because he met everybody, all at once, right away. He is an exceptionally young bishop, same age as me.

I am very grateful you are all back and am very glad to see you! “We are better together”, as the saying goes. So please plan to come to our Pasta Dinner on Oct. 29 to renew acquaintances, meet some new friends, share pictures of your summer vacation and enjoy some well-mannered frivolity.

And, not to forget, our year-round, full-time, all the time parishioners who held the fort during the absence of the snowbirds. You can relax, the reinforcements have arrived!


Fr. John B.