Toxic Assets

02-25-2024Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

Our old friend norma loquendi says that the term “toxic asset” is an oxymoron that you can bank on! It is amazing at what speed we distort the meaning of words or just outright change the definition of a word to make it seem like it is something it is not. George Orwell would be proud. One of my favorite obfuscations is “pre-embryo.”


When You Forget You Forgot

02-18-2024Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

We were treated to another Special Counsel’s Report, telling us another President did some wrong things but because he is a “sympathetic, elderly man with a poor memory”, the Special Counsel didn’t think a Jury would convict him. That’s a unique Senior Adult Get Out of Jail Free Card! Think of it guys: if you forget to take out the trash, you can tell your wife, “Sorry honey, I am an elderly man with a poor memory”. Or if you get pulled over by the police for having a lapsed car registration, or forget your Wedding Anniversary or your kids’ birthdays, just pull out that card!


There Be Dragons

02-11-2024Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

Happy Lunar New Year! I must admit I never gave much thought to the Lunar or Chinese New Year except to participate in some of the celebrations of Asian parishioners. But then in December of 2019, a very well educated Chinese- American lady, who works as a scientific researcher said that 2020 was going to be a very, very, bad year. The reason she gave was that 2020 was the Year of the Iron or Metal Rat according to the Chinese zodiac. In the Chinese zodiac there are several zodiac cycles that converge each year and the convergence for 2020 was the worst possible. That indicated the year would be a difficult one, filled with great challenges, natural disasters, economic chaos, diseases, sickness, and death. My first thoughts were that she was being overly dramatic and superstitious. Then came March of 2020…


In Store For '24

02-04-2024Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

What’s in store for ’24?

Well, first on the list is some updated signage on the campus to help visitors find their way around. Included in that is a new digital sign on the 128th Ave. side of the campus. The sign, as many of you have asked, will be able to display Mass times and other events at the Parish. We are one of the only Churches without a digital sign, not that I am “keeping up with the Jones” but you would be amazed at how many phone calls we get for information on Mass times, events, and other happenings at the Parish.